What's currently going on?👀

I am currently working at Specno as a Full Stack Software Developer.

Most of my day to day dealings involves me building software at work, reading tech blogs on medium , loitering around ZATech slack group or catching up on some meetups . Lately I've been busy with Mentoring at WeThinkCode_ helping students to be job ready once they enter the world of work.

To be honest, I am more interested in product development. Most of the software/code I work on a daily is mostly web/hybrid-mobile based. I am currently enjoying building out web and hybrid mobile applications. I still find it mind-blowing🤯 to have one codebase that can be compiled into three projects(i.e web, iOS & Android).


Below is some of my side projects to help demonstrate some of my skills, for more please visit my github.

Movies-List: A simple web app that allows you to search and build a list of your favourite movies. That's it.💁‍♂ I really like the KISS principle.️